Just like a 5G vaccination, we shoot straight into your bloodstream and leave your body only when The Great Reset is complete and all the pizzas are gone. There is only one medium that really matters: GOGBOT Festival 2021, under the slogan: Time to Recalibrate Reality will bring about the real truth with an activist programme full of art, talks, performances and workshops.
We declared the festival heart Stationsplein of GOGBOT 2021 to a totalitarian mini state under the banner Deep State 9. Here, the gigantic robot Metropolis (made by Jelle de Graaf) rules with an iron fist. She determines whether you will be hired by Amazon and which media you consume. Pick up a special passport at the border crossing and gain access to the world of this fake regime, which is undermined throughout the festival by forbidden musical interventions, performances and workshops from the underground resistance. At every festival location, a customs officer hooked you up with a visa, the QR codes lead to websites with more artist information.

DEEP GOGBOT’s Deep State 9 is a reaction to the algorithm-dominated systems of integration, immigration and social, financial and political freedom of movement. If you zoom in on recent events such as the storming of the Capitol, the gaming ban for young Chinese and the automatic invoice-envelope-spitting Tax and Customs Administration, you cannot help but conclude that (intangible, indefinable) robots have been in control for a long time, even in the Netherlands. Think also of the Toeslagenaffaire, in which citizens got stuck in a system that sucked them dry, purely and simply because an artificial intelligence had marked them as fraudulent.

All rise for the national anthem written by A.I.!
During the opening of the festival Roos Groothuizen preached the greatness of this surveillance nation while I gave the medals of honour to the team building Deep State 9 up from the ground and the pioneers of surveillance capitalist ideology.
Halfway through the speech the weather greeted us with thunder and rain while the state television was running in the background.