Independent communication design studio based in Rotterdam. Working in the fields of art and digital subcultures with a strong focus on exhibition design, interactive identities, queer initiatives and generative systems.

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Independent communication design studio based in Rotterdam. Working in the fields of art and culture with a strong focus on exhibition design, interactive identities and generative systems.

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In collaboration with Roos Groothuizen

Just like a 5G vaccination, we shoot straight into your bloodstream and leave your body only when The Great Reset is complete and all the pizzas are gone. There is only one medium that really matters: GOGBOT Festival 2021, under the slogan: Time to Recalibrate Reality will bring about the real truth with an activist programme full of art, talks, performances and workshops.

We declared the festival heart Stationsplein of GOGBOT 2021 to a totalitarian mini state under the banner Deep State 9. Here, the gigantic robot Metropolis (made by Jelle de Graaf) rules with an iron fist. She determines whether you will be hired by Amazon and which media you consume. Pick up a special passport at the border crossing and gain access to the world of this fake regime, which is undermined throughou

t the festival by forbidden musical interventions, performances and workshops from the underground resistance. At every festival location, a customs officer hooked you up with a visa, the QR codes lead to websites with more artist information.

All content: Cyanne van den Houten    Ⓒ 2014-2024, all rights reserved.